The City of Warren is a Home Rule Charter City. The Council meets once a month on the first Tuesday after the second Monday of each month. Regular Council meetings are scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. If you would like to come to the meeting, you are most welcome. If you would like to be on the agenda, please call City Administrator a week prior.
Meetings are available for viewing via Zoom. Please contact the City Office for the Zoom link.
Warren is comprised of six council members and a mayor. The Mayor and each councilmembers term is four years and elected at large. It is the duty of the Mayor, Clerk and Councilmembers to ensure the city fulfills its duties under the law and lawfully exercises its powers.
Mayor and Council Members
Travis Carl
Travis Carl
Justin Buegler
Council Member
David Erickson
Council Member
Danny Omdahl
Council Member
Aaron Gerszewski
Council Member
Selina Potucek
Council Member
Agendas & Minutes
Notification of Minutes
The City Council minutes are taken during each meeting. Draft minutes are completed after each meeting and are not official until approved by the City Council at the following meeting. Once approved, the minutes are posted to City of Warren website and the Warren Sheaf. The Council Meetings are on the first Tuesday after the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Recent Agendas
Previous Agendas
For agendas and meeting minutes back to 2020, visit our Meetings & Agendas page.
Note– Agendas and Minutes prior to 2012 are available to the public at Warren City Hall.
Council Schedule
Below is the 2024 Council Schedule for the Warren City Council. The Public is welcome to attend the meetings.
The City of Warren Council meets on the first Tuesday after the second Monday of each month.
Title | Date | |
Council Schedule (pdf, 165 KB) |
Council Committees
Council committees perform a very important function in the operation of the Council. Items before the Council are sometimes reviewed by one or more committees. The committees provide councilmembers with an opportunity to seek information for the City Council on issues that can change existing city policies, programs or services, to discuss budgeting and implementation issues and to reach consensus on dealing with major issues that affect the City.
There are five committees which are made up of members of the Council.
Below is the link to Council’s committees, members and what issues each committee deals with.
Title | Date | |
Council Committees (pdf, 176 KB) |